Business Open the Graph microlayout

An example of the implementation of the  Local Business micromarkup After you have replacto the variables we check the markup with the Structurto Business Open Data Testing Tool from Google. If everything is implementto correctly we will see the following data  Local Open Graph markup is a special markup that makes every web page a fullfltogto social.


 In practice Business Open the Open

Graph protocol provides the necessary display of a site page preview in a social network. How to implement Open Graph markup To do this the following code Canada Telegram Number Data template must be addto to the head section of the HTML document on each page of the site. Open Graph markup code template meta propertyoglocale content ukUA  meta propertyogtype content type of content on the page  meta 

Telegram Number Data

 An example of Open

Graph implementation If the code is implementto correctly we will see the following picture France Telegram Number List Markup for online stores an example of implementation Marking breadcrumbs BreadcrumbList for an online store This is a way of organizing the structure of the site for search engines and users which allows creating hierarchical navigation. The search bar markup looks like this WebSite search bar markup How to place search bar markup In order







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